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I put my period blood in my boyfriend’s spaghetti sauce.

| I was on my cycle. I have really bad periods. Always have. Lots of cramping, high emotions, etc. I don’t know what I was even thinking but I decided to just add a little blood to the sauce. When he came over, he was none the wiser. He ate the pasta and I pretended I was too ill to eat heavy food and just opted to pick at the salad.

| Shortly after that, we became exclusive. The logical part of my brain knows that the profession of our relationship had nothing to do with what I did that night. But the superstitious part of me has always wondered…what if? What if he doesn’t really love me? What if I somehow manipulated his feelings and he doesn’t even know?

| I’ve been wrestling lately with whether to tell him the truth. I honestly love this guy more than anything. He’s super sweet and attentive and never fails to make me laugh. I don’t want to lose him over some stupid thing I did a year ago.


TLDR: I put something in my boyfriend’s food a year ago in some dumb attempt to make him love me. We are now exclusive and have a great relationship. But I’m feeling guilty about what happened and wondering if I should confess.


Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1712694403

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