I masturbate daily.

| I masturbate daily. And this has caused t severe smelling of my underwear. Is there any remedy to get rid of this foul smell. Sometimes I do like d smell but sometimes it’s too bad. Is it my sperms which smells like this. Please suggest me something naturally.

| Estrogen.

| place a mirror where you generally jack off. That way you can see how sad your life is and maybe you will stop midway

| or develop narcisism

| Do you just let the sperm seep into your underwear? If so just get rid of them and sublimate your desires with pussy. That way they can smell bad.

| >>1010880
>this g/u/rl doesn't stare deeply into her own eyes while jacking off
Lmaoing at you rn

| >>1010849 this is the only right answer

| Change your undies, g/u/rl.
Pro tip: you can sell the old ones for lots of money.
Hope this helps!

| Don't jork it into our undies???

| Or dip them into hot water to clean them and make a tasty tea!!

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1713173998

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