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planning to jerk off to rainbow dash tonight. any tips?

| hi everyone(or everyPONY amirite?). later tonight i would like to try jerking off to rainbow dash from mlpfim. i was wondering if anyone had any tips or advice for how i should go about this? its my first time so im a little nervous. thanks! :D

| Based pony enjoyer
I recommend leaning into her tomboy-like personality, and if you're into it too, I'd suggest some futa pony cock

| Get yourself a 19' horsecock dildo and a bag of skittles and you're g2g

| thanks for the advice, i had so much fun! cant wait to try this again next time. :D and if anyone reading this hasnt tried it yet: DO recommend! 100%!

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1712683186

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