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just jacked off using coconut oil

| It's great. Next level. Way better than lube or lotion. Doesn't dry out so quick. Smells quite nice too. Would recommend.

| Use it with what? Your hand?

| You used the nut to get a nut,kinda gay imo

| >>1010520 yeah

| >>1010552 it was a girl coconut

| >>1010556 try it with dry condom and report back, also how much did you used?

| Seriously what nerd needs to use lube to jack off

| >>1010563 the ones with penises and have also had their foreskin stolen by Catholic priests

| >>1010570 have they thought about not having penises

| >>1010572 uh? what do we jerk off if not having penises? jerking off vaginas? lol?

| >>3d4261

| >>1010570 mine was stolen and I don't need lube you dork

| I still have my foreskin it just feels nice when it's all slippy

| >>1010572 yes, often

| >>1010580 this

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1712520188

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