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How do you feel about necrophilia?

| Why is it not legal yet, sisters?

| Because the lgbtqiabcdefghjkmoprsuvwxyz+-@#$!?*~`|•√π÷ק∆£¢€¥^°={}\%©®™✓[] isn't that inclusive

| Sex

| I don't want

| >>1003421 yes it is, you're only seeing the advertiser friendly parts
src: a girlfag that desperately needs to be necro'd

| Somnophilia is more exciting of an idea to play around with, necrophilia's excitement kinda ends at the taboo and shock value part no?

| >>1003421 people who are into hard kinks are lgbt at like double or triple the normal rate. i would expect that people who are open minded about sexuality have a much higher chance to indulge their fetishes.

| >>daf5d7
This is not 4chan, you have to go back

It's a dead end op

| >>1003634 so dead that a necrophile could fuck it

| >>abe0b4 She's not wrong. Find me a transg/u/rl who doesn't make fetishes her entire personality and I will befriend her instantly, just because of how rare she is.

| Do you know what the fine for necrophilia is in this part of Tamriel?

| >>1003680 I don't know, but in Morrowind it's legal lmao

| Because it's literally rape without consent

| I'd feel better about it of the skeletons would stop hitting on me.

| >>edb51d best post thread is gg

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1708517735

This thread is permanently archived