Post number #961062, ID: 8c0df4
I watched Re:zero a few years back when S2:P2 was out and I remember liking and enjoying the show very much. Receny completed a rewatch and didn't enjoy it nearly as much, too slow paced, too much dialogue, too much crying scenes. Was I just in a different mindset or a different person back then? Or maybe my standards changed, does anyone else feel like the show fell off?
Total number of posts: 1,
last modified on:
Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1687738307
| I watched Re:zero a few years back when S2:P2 was out and I remember liking and enjoying the show very much. Receny completed a rewatch and didn't enjoy it nearly as much, too slow paced, too much dialogue, too much crying scenes. Was I just in a different mindset or a different person back then? Or maybe my standards changed, does anyone else feel like the show fell off?