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| Can you measure ahead if your work is gonna be good

Like visual quality of it and the clout it ll gain

Or at least avoid being masive shit

| Maids? 50k-chan is off her pills again

| >>953121 very funny. Try standup maybe than being a local retard

| Measure how good something that has not yet been done will be? Definitely not possible

| >>953152 you sure? Studio used to choose between one or another.

| Mahou shoujo magical destroyers looks like ass which is probably out of financial necessity but it makes it work. It doesn't pretend to look except for when it wants to.

| >>953156 how much did it score?

| bump

| This isn't anime!

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1682354014

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