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Who would win in a fight?

| Naruto or Sasuke?

| ... That's not even a theoretical question, they fight all the time.

| My penis

| >>935128
Anyone keep a tally of that?

| >>935149 Looks like they've had five proper bouts. Sasuke's won twice, Naruto three times

| Whoever the author/mangaka wants it to be

| Temari~ <3

| B☻r☻ck ☻b☻m☻

| >>935113 the one faceless guy who NTRs both of them

| Goki

| The Chidori is cooler than the Rasengan. One is a ball of a high energy plasma constantly shooting out arcs of lightning, the other is literally just condensed air. Obviously Naruto wins.

| >>935128

which one wins the most

| Goku wins

| winman

| Candice

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1672286223

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