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What is your favorite hot dog topping

| Mine's mustard from Vance.

| potato sticks

| feathers of fallen angels

| onion

| roasted onions, pickles, mustard and remoulade

| Roasted onions is the king of hot dog toppings.

That sounds so tasty right now! Especially with pickle relish. I'm getting hungry...

| tomato ketchup

| >>902368 drowning in tomato ketchup. same with burgers, it MUST drown in catsup

| >ketchup

| cum

| Empty, just like my soul

| >>902447

| Cum

| Chili

| Maple Syrup


| Cheese. Fuck you.

| chili and GRATED cheese for something that sits in the stomach heavy.
if its a cheap pork light ketchup and heavy mustard.
beef hotdogs work just about anything EXCEPT ketchup.
if its a thicker sausage then it depends on the flavor of sausage, i.e. german sausages need german toppings.
whats even more important than the toppings however is the bread, you could eat a plain hotdog if the bread is good.
thin sausages need boiling, thick need grilling, and microwaving is struggling.

| Reading this thread ay 2am made me hungry

| Chilli

| ketchup, spicy mustard, saurkraut, tears of angels, grated cheese

| A poached egg

| >>926548 how do you prepare your poached eggs?

| Loli pussy juice

| >>926548
tell us~

| lots and lots of tomato ketchup in fact i can't eat a hotdog or a burger without it

| Jill's pussy juice motherfucker

| Cream cheese + caramelized onions

| >>927419 >>926890 I mean, you poach it. Little bit of vinegar in hot water, stir the pot so it's a vortex, crack the egg into the middle and let it cook around itself while it spins. Then just plop it on the hot dog 'n' bun with some cholula sauce, and you're good to go.

| ⛷️

| cum

| A second hotdog.

| futa dana cum

| The hair and nails of my mother

| sex

| I hate hotdogs

| >>927696 and cunny juice
Uohhhh ToT

| >>927592
God Bless America!

| Mustard

| >>927789
then deep fry it

Total number of posts: 40, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1667455925

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