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Thoughts on bakemonogatari

| ???

| Never watched it. How would you rate it in the weeb/ass/shit scale?

| >>900792 i saw only Kizumonogatari and Nekomonogatari..

but there is my rating:
weeb: 8/10
Ass: 8/10
Shit: 2/10 max. i would say less

I can recommend if you like hot vampires

| Cunny ToT

| I would say it’s like an 8/10. I watched everything they adapted and own the 3 light novel box sets. Interesting show, but it’s mostly dialogue driven

| >>901020 yup, it's reminding me that they talk little fast (for me).. i really needed to pause it (and sometimes return back) to get what they said..

| best show ever

| >>900837
Ass is higher than I was hoping for, but a Shit of only 2 is definitely worth a look and I do, indeed, like hot vampires. Thanks, g/u/rl.

| >>9f2b73
If you’re looking for more hot vampires, check out Call of the Night. Think it shares the same director for Bakemonogatari iirc.

| If you only watch battle shonen and hate people talking don't watch it

| the only thing I know about it comes from an AMV about anal, so ymmv

| from piss and fire was gatari derived

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1665650134

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