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Neon Genesis Evangelion

| share ur thoughts and interpretations about it

penpen cute

| penpen do be cute tho

| I want to pat Penpen on the head and feed him tasty fish.

| Misato's cute. I'd like to pat her on the head and feed her some tasty... fish.

| I'd let Kajir or Kaworu embrace me

| >>880575
I don't like it

| Which underage children are hotter?

| I love asuka tight and mosquito tits mm yes pomMUUUUUUUUOOOOGGGHHHHHH

| what the hell is this?

| Asuka's wayyyyy too overrated.

| >>880623
Penpen lovers gang

Geyon Gaynesis Evangayon


| Misato Supremacy

| purple green

| Misato de una familia noble Misulia

| From what I know, you love Asuka as a teenager, Misato as an adult and Rei when you're in serious need of pampering.

| Misato Club represent

| Asuka was only good in rebuild 3 and 4

| Gelion from StarCraft?

| Pretty boring, they added too much background lore to Penpen's story, I mostly skip all the scenes without the pinguin in it.

| >>882412 Seriously. If I cared about robots I'd go to a BMW factory. lmao

| I am Pomu and I work in a BMW factory

| i got some weird human sexuality and the faults of otaku-ism from The End of Evangelion... might not help that i was high out of my mind

| Comfy Penpen spinoff series when???

| Comfy Pomumu spinoff series is!!!¡¡¡¡!!!!¡¡¡!!

| >>882878 You watched that high, and still picked up on that? I'd have suffered brain death from that experience

| Just one of those shows that age really well. Stuff for horny, stuff for fights, stuff for mommy issues.

Kinda sad that it adds to the narrative that great art comes from great suffering. I've not really enjoyed the rebuilds as they're a rejection of the original run.

| >>882994 The rebuilds have some amazing moments in isolation, but they don't hold up as a cohesive whole, by my perception.

Total number of posts: 29, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1658776333

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