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| Arguably the best scifi manga out there, why isn't it more popular?

| I BLAME a saturated market

| >>818865
I'm not mad just immensely disappointed. Happy new year. Go read Blame!

| Masterworks are alwaysunderappreciated in their time

| Blame what?

| I’m a fan of Knights of Sidonia. I even bought the omnibus books. Been meaning to check blame and his other works out. He has a very peculiar art style that I enjoy.

| One of my favorites in the genre together with Gantz.

| I dont think Blame! had a popularity problem tbh i remember having classmates talk about it back in school and even pewdiepie made a whole video about the manga too

| >>820888 exactly what I wanted to say too. I think it got more exposure when Pewdiepie made a video about the manga. That's how I learned about it!

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1641468036

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