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Can ghouls drink breast milk?

| So in Tokyo Ghoul the ghouls can only consume humans right? The flesh and blood etc... Can they drink breast milk?

Like could they use that to have in their coffee? It's human protein after all.

| Pretty sure they can as shown at the end of manga

| >>a372dd What part of the manga shows that? Me and my friend have been having this debate for years and I've never come across a canonical source.

| Not sure if this belongs on /a/ or /d/...

| >>89b6da I mean it's definitely a degenerate discussion but I really did want some genuine answers so I went for /a/


| They can, semen as well


| You really want this thread to stand, huh? Fine, I'll find the answer.

| Ghouls can only eat human flesh, but the stuff they can drink has never had any explicit limit. We know for definite that they can drink coffee, and that they must be able to drink water, as it’s a component of coffee. However, according to the Tokyo Ghoul wiki, ghouls are unable to digest anything else, and there’s been no explicit explanation to the matter.

| The main reason ghouls eat humans is because they have enough Red Child (RC) cells to actually sustain themselves and live healthily. If the mother is a ghoul, the child should be able to drink her milk, as it is developed by someone who has that high RC count, and is tailored to her species

| See this is as much as my friends and I have covered in debate before, but the question comes down to whether or not human milk is distinctly different enough from ghoul milk to be intolerable.
As they are effectively the same species aside from the RC count it feels as though the milk shouldn't be distinctly different.

| An argument I had made in the past was that humans could drink milk from say a cow, so it should track that ghouls could drink milk from a human.

Outside of the fact that this kinda messes with the base concept of the series my friend had made the argument that apparently humans aren't naturally tolerant to dairy but gain it through exposure. Apparently this is why the majority of Asian people are lactose intolerant, as their foods contain little to no dairy

| At the same time however I could 100% see human mammary glands being a delicacy with communities like the kind Tsukiyama is involved with. Seems in line with the writing of the series.

Also raises the question of what about ghouls born to human mothers as with ***spoiler*** the original Owl?

I'm interested to hear more takes on this.

| >>812285 There is no argument, all mamals have dairy tolerance from birth and while aging they lose it completely or incompletely, depending on many circumstances.

Ghouls are mamals - they can drink milk. AT LEAST from ghoul parents.

| >>813033 Therein lies the question then.. is ghoul milk sufficiently different from human milk to make ghouls intolerant to it or can a ghoul sup on some tiddy milk for a snack?

| >>813373

Ghouls don't care about nutrition, they are RC cells, that's why they can eat other ghouls, but nothing else. This magical cell only so happens to be in humans and ghouls, because they eat their meat.

"If the mother is a ghoul, the child should be able to drink her milk, as it is developed by someone who has that high RC count, and is tailored to her species"

Even if they can drink human breast milk, it's one of the worst kind of milks.

| >>814010 Surely it'd serve a purpose in helping them blend in though? If they could take human milk in their coffee etc.
Some ghouls clearly care about lifestyle, and on the flip side of that some care about eccentricity and almost fetishising their food.

| >>814027

The answer is author didn't think about this topic at all. Case closed.

| >>814033 I mean yeah.. obviously that's the answer. The question is more of a hypothetical... Y'know... For fun

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