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anything to fill in the Slice-of-Life shaped hole in my heart?

| i had a bad idea to watch one episode of azumanga daioh before i sleep and now i finished it

| Yuyushiki
Sketchbook Full Colors
and that wide show whatsamacallit hitamari sketch

| School Rumble

| ichigo mashimaro, yuru yuri, asobi asobase, gabriel dropout, golden boy, yuru camp, bocchi, kobayashi, lucky star, konosuba, nichijou, non non biyori, spice and wolf, senko-san, violet evergarden, kino no tabi, shoujo shuumtsu ryouko, yokohama kaidashi kikou
these are all great desu

| Tsuki ga Kirei

| Mitsuboshi Colors
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
Tsurezure Children
Machikado Mazoku
Houkago Saikoro Club

| Watch vtubers

| >>694347

Holy fuck shut the fuck up

| Kakushigoto
Itadaki Seieki

| A slice-of-life-shaped cock.

| Bunny drop
A place further than the universe

| >>694352 lmao

| Comic girls

| K-On

| >>694404
> usagi drop
Don't read the manga. Just don't.

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1599325319

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