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Tropes you hate

| I fuckin hate the "i like him but instead of saying so i give vague non-hintsand then get pissy when he dont catch on"

I just watched a anime end on that shitty note and im the big salt

| Childhood friend.

| >>679015
And I hate you too, childhood friends deserve more love.

| >>679005
The thing is according to her she's not being vague at all. She's being painfully obvious and he's painfully oblivious. I'm not sure you can call it a trope because it's so common in real life.

| >>679024
Yes, that's exactly why I hate the trope. They don't get what they deserve. In that case it's a good thing that you hate me, I suppose

| So not really sure it's a "trope" but kinda sick of how they Try to build tension on scenes where a hero would potentially fail but of course they make a miraculous comeback soon afterward? I think it would be neat to see them lose time to time to keep them grounded rather than being a deus ex machina ya know?

| >>ca96b3 as much of a point as you gave after the first 10 failed attempts one would think to be more direct

| The trope where Goku the main character always disappear somewhere because we know he's gonna win if he was around

| >>679062
Yeah, that's a big part of why I dislike a lot of shounen. Tension in scenes just feel like filler, because you know the fucker is just gonna scream about friendship or something and then just automatically win because of it.

| Harem protagonists who are incredibly dense and have a dull personality compared to the love interests. It's so frustrating to watch!!! If they're supposed to be our self inserts, it's just downright insulting.

| >>679135
They are supposed to be self-inserts. Japanese society grinds away all personality in it's corporate men by design.

| >>679193 again, that's just insulting. "Hey, audience, this awkward idiot represents you. Isn't he relatable??" No, he's not.

| >>679270 there was this webcomic that had a dense guy, but it turn out he knew all along, he was just gay.

| For me, the common archetypes for the characters irritates me the most. Characters fallen under the typical anime trope is super forgettable seems very lazy. The author had the liberty to write unique characters with unexpected backstory but no, people just gonna hedge their bets.

| Tsundere for the sake of tsundere are not even worth being called garbage.

| I hate overly excessive ecchi. For one, I fucking dropped 7deadlysins in the first season because I couldn't fucking tolerate blonde dude sexually harass the girl over and over. Author's a smoothbrain, any girl would be fucing fed up with it.

Literally just this shit :
>OOhH MC-san that's legit a crime but ill let it slide bc ur protag

For another, I dropped Fire Force for this same thing.
>guy and girl fight monster
>monster attacks
>guy is now fondling girl wha
or something

| >>679774 Same, I always watch anime with my family so I'm really scared whether an anime contains excessive fanservice or not. However, ecchi for the sake of ecchi is fine like in KissXSis as I am never going to watch that in public.

| Any power scaling system on any shounen ever, no wonder these authors drop them by the end of the series, most are either unreliable or straight up bullshit, and dont take any hax or battle strategies capability of the characters

| >>679860 Ahh yes, I remember the early episodes of Naruto with strategy overcoming brute strength.

And now we have Jutsu Gods, Naruto and Sasuke, fighting other Gods. Thanks, Kishimoto* (ifthatshisname)

| >>679889 bro naruto was gud until the jutsus became the supreme magic system of the world, with genjutsus and eye magic

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