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Who is the most hated anime character? Explain why he/she is the most hated?


| Mayne, shield hero, no need to explain, she is just doesnt deserve explanation

| That one rape guy from SAO. Everyone knows about him, everyone hates him.

| Nina, trash personality: racist, hypocrite, selfish

| Slain. /r/fuckslain is a thing

| >>666072

The fake black knight?

| >>666149
The Troyard one ?
Slaine ?

| Pico

| Hitler

| >>666201 name of anime?

| >>666211 I'm pretty sure he had several appearances

| >>666092
From code geass?

| All Ugly Bastards from manga and anime, seriously, i just can't understand this.

| >>666352 I mean, I don't understand why some people like this

| >>0d6e17 Aldnoah anf yes

| Kyururu, Kemono Friends 2.
Cursed plot of the anime and his perverted personality. He also killed Tatsuki's Kemono Friends.

| >>666358
Ah I can DEFINITELY see why... but I don't share your opinion

| >>666420 I mean, everyone chose their own fav. type. For me, i think, couple of cute girls in yuri is da best. Yash!~

| Bondrew from Made in Abyss, obvious reasons

| Griffith could also be a good choice, from Berserk

| >>666149 >>666420 whatchu got against Slain? He a cutie.

| >>666924
well let's say he's a good shot in more than one way

| >>666353

| Hoshimaru from Narutaru that star shaped fuck betrayed me and broke my heart. Just read the manga or watch the anime and you may feel the same.

| Shinji, because apparently nobody understood the point of Evangelion and just wanted a basic, shitty, shounen mecha anime.

| >>667935 people be that lazy sumtimes lazy, by that point I guess senku(dr stone) since people expected a generic "pre historic" shounen instead of a tribute to humanity's advancements

| >>667942
Ah, yeah. People seem to judge anime purely by their initial expectations and not what it actually is. It's dumb.

| Matou Shinji

| In all versions of Fate, he will always be the asshole

| >>667942 people did what? i thought it was clear from the beginning that senku is gonna be some kinda nerd. and even then dr stone is still littered with a tad too many generic shonen battles for my taste (I still love it though) so i can't imagine what's even there to complain about.

| >>668828
I can agree with that.

| >>668828 dont bullu the wakame

Total number of posts: 32, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1591866420

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