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Nekos vs furrys

| Dumbass classmate thinks nekos are furrys.
How do we convince him?

| They don't have fur all over their bodies, the only animal characteristics they have are fangs ears, and tail
Also fangs and tail aren't even present in all catgirls some only have the ears, some have ears and tail
So they're mostly human, but with cute addons

| Furries have animal faces, paws and hair all over the body and nekos don't.

| both are still bad

| >>563643 begone

| >>563643 found the fucking normie
Don't lump catgirls with those disgusting furries

| Neko is a Japanese word for cat so it belongs in furries as a cat is a furry. However, nekomimi is what I think you're all going on about which means catgirls.
Conclusion, nekos are furries. Nekomimis are however precious creatures we are obliged to protecc.

| Nekos, or cats, aren't furry. That's just straight up bestiality.

| One is cute, the other is mental disorder. Simple

| >>563689 but mimi only mean ears is't it? or is it also mean catgirl?

| Show them this image

| Op here thanks for the tips and opinions you shared. The guy has gained followers now. He is pushing his propaganda without reason so I can't really argue aganst him.
There is something common in them: none of them are weebs and they have never heard or seen a neko before (some have heared of furrys before).

>>563891 he said "they are all furrys"

| Ask him if he likes playboy bunny girls
If he thinks catgirls are furry then by that reasoning bunny girls are also furry.

| >>563895 He considers them softcore furrys...

| Where do you study OP? Looks like your schoo is about to go on a genocide run against all 'impure heretics" who are into anything other than pure vanilla with no costumes, roleplay or anything else

| if there is no skin you should shoot it and skin it

| Fox girls are better

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1558726269

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