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Looking for Series

| Anything in particular that's good this season? I've been out of the loop for a long while.

| Kaguya-sama kinda good. Yakysoku no Neverlend seems pretty dope, but I'll wait until it completes. Folk enjoys new Dororo and second season of Mob Psycho - haven't seen them

| >>7645e1 Thanks, Anon. I'll give them a look!

| Kaguya sama is definitely great and I just started mob psycho 100 s2 and I'm loving it

| MP100 is fantastic, but you gotta watch the first season (also fantastic) to really appreciate it. Don't skip it!

| >>540442 >>540498 that's one I've heard really good things about as well! guess it's another thing to add to the list ^^;

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1553149064

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