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Is there any anime musical?

| Note that animes like, k-on or any idol anime are not musicals.

In a musical the characters are not literally singing (unless they are breaking the forth wall). the media (not the characters) uses music and dance as a language to tell the plot.

I know this definition is kinda wrong in a lot of cases but anyway...

Also... Is disney basically the only one doing animated musicals today?

| I haven't heard about any anime musical. I'd love to watch one though!

| there is kokoro ga that have huge references musical

| Interstella 5555

| There's that one Space Dandy episode.

| High School Star Musical! aka Star-Myu

| Anime isn't really the best media for a musical, unless it's a movie or a one episode thing like on space dandy
Best you can do its idol animes where there's one song per episode, like Zombieland saga

| Red Garden has some musical segments.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1550395215

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