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Recomand Hentai/Manga, please.

| It's kind of hard to find a straight hentai or manga with a tsundere DUDE and I need it so bad. I'm a girl who has niche tastes, I know.

Pick one, g/u/rl. And now, to be honest, I'm interested in this topic as well. So we'll be waiting of THE WISDOM TSUNDERE KING to help us with it.
Tsundere boys are so cute btw >w<

| Oml, I didn't think I'd find someone besides myself to like those types of bois!! Add me on Discord so we can discuss them boisss HoneyOTU#4917

| The only tsundere anime boy I know it's Arthur Kirkland, from the anime and webcomic Hetalia. Hope you like this tsundere boi, g/u/rls

| >>513210
try "the world of moral reversal"
Haven't read it yet so can't say for sure, but it's about a world where gender stereotypes are reversed, so there's a good chance there would be tsundere dudes in it
also I've heard it's a good hentai/comedy in general

| The first episode of kakushi dere.
Koi maguwai
Basically most Pashmina hentai

| This thread should be on /d/

| El de tu GFA muy bueno :v

| Amnesia is a great visual novel for someone lik eyou

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1544901394

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