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Should I watch Darling in the Franxx?

| Just Yes and No answers please.

| No

| Yes

| No

| Yes and No answers

| Maybe

| Please

| If yo watched evangelion, no

| It's worth a shot, I guess. At this point you may as well just to understand why people hate its second half

| No

| no

| Were you really expecting something different from lots of "no" from a community that didn't accept the second half and neglected to understand it?

| Just watch it, it's pointless to ask other people.

| >>358460 I don't want to waste my time, is it bad to ask questions now?

| >>358473 You can't make your own opinion just by hearing what other people say, watch it or watch anime films if you are so busy. Mostly you will lose 2 hours to make your own opinion and drop it, if you didn't like it.

| No

| >I don't want to waste my time
>visits danger/u/

| no

| Yes. 100%.

| NO

| It's a roller coaster. The beggining is good, but after episode 5 it starts to slow down as fuck, until episode 13.
13 - 18 everything was getting clear, I was starting to see a good ending until episode 19, that just dropped the ball.

Episode 20 marks the beggining of one of the most strange experiences I've ever had with animation in general. It was like Nishigori asked for more episodes, and the producers gave him a loud and proud "Nah".

| >>359925 the final arc didn't fit at all. Random stuff being thrown at your face, power of friendship, giant space girl, A FUCKTON OF TIMESKIPS AND THAT ENDING, MY DUDE? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?

Conclusion: Darling in the Franxx is a strange experience of a show that the studio planned to be more than they had episodes for. It was sad to see it transforming into THAT FUCKING MESS. But, is a good experience if you want to know what is a complete "production chaos".

| OP : Yes or No only pls

| ITT: gurl's can't read "just yes or no answers please"

| Yes

| Yes

| No

| Yes

| No

| >>ce19ff
I DROPPED it at the 4th episode tbh, who'd watch an anime about Asuka and a cuck?

| >>39f72e elaborate please, is it just hitting the same beats poorly but with hot horns?

| ye

| Yeah

| No, not worth your time and attention

| yesn't

| Non't

| N O

| Yes, don't listen to the haters!

| should you ingest tide pods while playing roblox fortnight mods

| >>364654 hmmmmm

| Yes

| Nah lmao

| >>364667

Total number of posts: 43, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1531962627

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