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Is Tokyo Ghoul manga worth it ?

| I watched the mess that was on season 2 and got pretty desapointed on the end. Ended up watching half of the RE: series last night and it was like something really different and deeper from the earlier ones, seemed more psychological and stuff does the manga goes that way?

| Yes, but Tokyo Ghoul before :Re was amazing, I've read it non-stop, after that it really went downhill. But hey, that's just my opinion. You might like it, but definetely check out original one.

| Oh thanks a lot >>356215 started reading and it's really a million times better than the anime

| Second season is trash, because they walked away from the manga. I've read both Tokyo Ghoul and Tokyo Ghoul and Tokyo Ghoul:re, and in my opinion it's decent manga. But maybe it's just my Stockholm Syndrome talking. In :re there are too many unnecessary plot twists though

| >>358142 If you think it was decent, what is actually better in your opinion? Except for JoJo, we all here know that JoJo is the best manga ever made.

| Oh yesss. You may have liked the anime, well the manga is like 100× better

| >>358454 I haven't read lots of manga, so I'm not the best person to ask. Onepunchman is good, but it has far less drama. Shingeki no Koujin is good despite the number of haters. I enjoyed Bakuman a lot, but it has really good anime adaptation - no need to read manga, unless you are a hardcore fan. I guess, Tokyo Ghoul was my first manga, so there always will be a place in my heart for it.

Battle Tendency JoJo is the best.

| >>a9331f One punch man as in the original manga by the author himself?

| No it is not worth it.

| Original TV is pretty good. :re is decent at parts but is overall just a mess.

| Ok, so, I almost caught up on the middle of S1 in the manga, and it's overall so much better than the anime. The characters are more vivid the story has a better pacing and the fights felt a little more thoughtful until this point. I'm finding myself way more into the manga than expected

| If you're invested in Tokyo Ghoul, you should read the manga. It isn't the best but it's decent and leaves a satisfying ending. At least that was my personal experience.

| Yeah, also you can see how drawings become better and better, so fights will become better too

| Totally I enjoy it much more than the anime.

| The original is great but :RE reads like a novel. I actually think it would be better as a book than a manga.

| True that.

| Too much dialogue for a manga >>88154d

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1531811252

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