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Nobuhiro Watsuki did nothing wrong

| fight me

| Sure, I'll fight you. First though, who is Nobuhiro Watsuki?

| >>288454 original creator of Samurai X as it's known the west

| What's Samurai X? If you answer all of my questions, we can fight.

| Samurai X Is the slave name of Rurouni Kenshin

| Is that the guy who got busted for child pornography?

| >>289140 yep

| Lol. Hope he ends up like that bitch boy from glee.

| >>290369 he got a small fine and is now continuing his work on manga series. Nothing serious

| Op is wrong and deserves to be euthanized.
There, I said it.

| Tbh Japan pretty much allows child porno with all the chibi, lolicon n shotacon hentai. Wasn't there some case awhile ago in the US about going after police with hrntai manga representing underaged eg school kids

| >>293024 Well Japan understands that as long as you don't touch real children there isn't a problem.

| >>291787 go back, 3dgy ch4n

| >>4d0bbf >>293077 I guess we can't police people's minds even if we try. Tbh theres a freak in all of us that would scare people

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1527079034

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