Pet Peeves with Mangas

| I hate it and will always drop mangas that shows you the climax of the story at the very start instead of just having you follow along from the very start.

"... And this is how it happened" looking asses should go suck a fat one

| But zoomer key!

| I don’t like the ones without sounds and moving pictures! I’m not a patient g/u/rl! Read your posts out loud next time!!

| >>1047938 I'll make you cry out loud if you know what I mean ;)

| >>1047938 is this post just annoyed it's a run on sentence? Cuz they say manga not anime

| >>1047942
Aaaaa please doooo
I don’t know what anime is it’s all anime I can’t read hmph!!

| just like breaking bad ep.1

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1742004392

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