Cyberpunk Anime & Manga

| Thread for recommendations & suggestions. Share your favorites!
I personally like Ghost in the Shell, Serial Experiments Lain, and Neon Genesis Evangelion! (I like others too but I can't remember their names right now)

| But g/u/rl isn’t there already the stickied thread? I feel a lil silly with it because everything has already been said And I can only repeat myself or others :<

I saw Appleseed as a kid and thought it was really exciting! But I don’t remember it xD

Oh is trigun cyberpunk? I liked it when I was young but I can’t rember it either and my sister said it was bad because the protagonist is too male and not listening to women. Idk if the women had real solutions though?

| >>1046955 Owww it doesn't show on my computer? Where do I find it?

| https://dangeru.us/all

| >>1046966 but thats says books and manga, not anime...

| Oh yeah I guess I thought there was anime in there huh

| mandatory cyberpunk edgerunners post? Honestly I wasn't very impressed by it, but I'm also not really an anime guy and just tried it because I like cyberpunk

| >>1047138
lame-o. edgerunners was goated

| edgerunners felt a little too rushed for me. Like they wanted to tell a story but were limited to X episodes. at least it wasn't boring.

also fuck captcha never posting to /a/ again

| Yo how do I quote a message lmao I'm stupid and only discovered this site a few days ago.

I wanted it to be goated but I have eccentric high standards for content I spend my precious time on famalam

| >>90bc7b
Ok I figured it out. My browser was blocking some site scripts but I whitelisted them now

| New girl!!!! Welcome welcome welcome what’s your favorite poem or boook?

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1741395634
