Post number #1046945, ID: a9b810
Thread for recommendations & suggestions. Share your favorites! I personally like Ghost in the Shell, Serial Experiments Lain, and Neon Genesis Evangelion! (I like others too but I can't remember their names right now)
Post number #1046955, ID: 0a0221
But g/u/rl isn’t there already the stickied thread? I feel a lil silly with it because everything has already been said And I can only repeat myself or others :<
I saw Appleseed as a kid and thought it was really exciting! But I don’t remember it xD
Oh is trigun cyberpunk? I liked it when I was young but I can’t rember it either and my sister said it was bad because the protagonist is too male and not listening to women. Idk if the women had real solutions though?
Post number #1046960, ID: 5cbb65
>>1046955 Owww it doesn't show on my computer? Where do I find it?
Post number #1046966, ID: 0a0221
| :3
Post number #1046975, ID: 5cbb65
>>1046966 but thats says books and manga, not anime...
Post number #1047005, ID: 0a0221
Oh yeah I guess I thought there was anime in there huh
Post number #1047138, ID: 90bc7b
mandatory cyberpunk edgerunners post? Honestly I wasn't very impressed by it, but I'm also not really an anime guy and just tried it because I like cyberpunk
Post number #1047167, ID: 7e9a88
>>1047138 lame-o. edgerunners was goated
Post number #1047231, ID: f78faf
edgerunners felt a little too rushed for me. Like they wanted to tell a story but were limited to X episodes. at least it wasn't boring.
also fuck captcha never posting to /a/ again
Post number #1047311, ID: 90bc7b
Yo how do I quote a message lmao I'm stupid and only discovered this site a few days ago.
I wanted it to be goated but I have eccentric high standards for content I spend my precious time on famalam
Post number #1047312, ID: 90bc7b
>>90bc7b Ok I figured it out. My browser was blocking some site scripts but I whitelisted them now
Post number #1047332, ID: db1826
New girl!!!! Welcome welcome welcome what’s your favorite poem or boook?
Total number of posts: 12,
last modified on:
Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1741395634
| Thread for recommendations & suggestions. Share your favorites!
I personally like Ghost in the Shell, Serial Experiments Lain, and Neon Genesis Evangelion! (I like others too but I can't remember their names right now)