What manga are you into right now?

| Some of the manga I read I started forever ago but they still get releases, for example It's Not My Fault That I'm Not Popular, Hatarakanai Futari, Kaijuu Iro no Shima, Sekitou Elegy, Tengoku Daimakyou and Dai Dark but some newer once I've been enjoying lately are Karakida-ke no kosho gurashi and Sorry, but I'm Not Into Yuri.

| hatakarai futanari lmao

| I've been quite enjoying Destroy It All and Love Me in Hell.

| Currently about to finish girls last tour. It's comfy and kinda sad. I do like the stripped back art style top.

| >>1040137
Oh man, the ending to GLT made me cry so hard.

| >>1040139 >>1040137
Yep, buy a new box of tissues for the waterworks.
I'm trying to find something similar to early Overlord, and so far Isekai Mokushiroku Mynoghra: Hametsu no Bunmei de Hajimeru Sekai Seifuku seems to be doing it. The Golden Experience Point is okay too.

| >>1040137
Same here! I watched the anime when it aired but never got the manga until recently

| I been slowly getting through Claymore, but been too busy drawing to pay enough attention.
Also tried to read 'A drifting life', but...I'm just getting bored, I don't know.

>Early overlord
Y not read the light novel?

| I been slowly getting through Claymore, but been too busy drawing to pay enough attention.
Also tried to read 'A drifting life', but...I'm just getting bored, I don't know.

>Early overlord
Y not read the light novel?

| i've been reading Colori Colore Creare by Kozue Amano (author of Aria) it's so cutet

| Alice in hell is greeatt!!

| >>1040240
Yeah, I read that. And the original web novel. And prerty much everything else. Even the fanfiction.

| I read Heavenly Delusion and it was really good. While I'm waiting for new chapters I'm reading soremachi from the same author. I really like his drawing style and humour. I'm also reading Pet Shop of Horrors. And I read the Fable and Fable 2nd Contract, also great manga imo.

| Blue Lock. It motivates me a lot.

| >>1040379
I recently read trough soremachi in chronological order and for re-reading I like it better this way, but for first time readers the original is best imo. If you're interested I can upload the .cbr files somewhere.

| All of the dragonmaid spinoffs

Captcha is cool
>wolf queen patch

| >>4da5a7 you reminded me I need to get the new fafnir book. I really like the Elma one too

| Heavenly Delusion is going on a four month long hiatus bleh. What am I gonna read in the meantime?

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1737705910

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