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Looking for fancy visual lists

| something like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_individual_rocks
but with more, stuff in it.
but also has description, it's a must. maybe wiki, or tv tropes? whatever? but with variety, from objects to vehicles. i know some from wiki like extant locations and such...generally it has to be like the link above: a table, and pictures on right, completed. not all texts. Or maybe like pokemon and digimon list, but those are too...character related? so i want more things. also not

| flickr, pinterests, or tumblr likes, or stock photo lists. i mean, maybe they could but so far i havent seen anything good than those i found from wiki.

| This is the best anime thread ever!

| >>1032530 >>01062b sounds annoying

| bump

| glorious tastes, please stay

| You could look into hosting your own MediaWiki. Then you could customize lists however you want. Alternatively, Notion has some great list tools, but you'll have to pay if you want anyone else to see your lists. Good luck on the lists g/u/rl!

| >>1032790 wh
>>1032795 hmmm I just need existing llists.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1731537016

This thread is permanently archived