Is watching anime a hobby?

| And what about western cartoons, are those considered a hobby too?

| Mr beast is my hobby

| fap hero is my hobby

| I mean sure you can call it a hobby but a hobby is something that requires a skill in my book.

| Masturbating to interesting erotic works is my hobby
A hobby is something enjoyable and relaxing you look forward to

| >>1025845
I don't subscribe to that notion myself but since you can cultivate your reading comprehension to gain more from a book then I guess the same can be true of films and and TV and anime.

| It's a pasttime.

| >>1025877 sure, but again depends on how you're approaching your hobby. Colors and likes are not arguable.

| >>1025963
Yeah, but is collecting bottle caps or postage stamps really a skill based activity? Collecting certainly is a hobby though.

| >>1025963 hmm, that's fair. I will reevaluate my definition. Thank you for your contribution.

| >>1026199
op here. disregard that^ i suck cocks!

| >>1026199
I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just good at poking holes at literally every point people make because there are exceptions to almost everything, but sometimes it becomes pedantic or downright retarded. I can't think of any other non-skill related hobbyes besides collecting beautiful or random things so you're mostly right.

| >>1026474 Nah, you're doing great! Don't worry I, as an engineer literally is my job to poke at every point and seek questions. I see it in you!

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1725403784

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