tried showing Eva to my parents

| I tried showing my favorite film, Evangelion to my parents. Since I identify a lot with Shinji I hoped that this would help them understand some things about myself.

After watching two episodes they started asking retarded questions like "why do the characters have big eyes" and "why do they have colored hair even though they're japanese"

Oh well

| Why do they have big eyes and colored hair?

| >>1025826 because Osamu Tezuka got inspired from western cartoons like Disney so he gave all his characters big expressive eyes

| Winx

| >>1025830
But Osamu didn't work on Evangelion

| >>1025874 no but he invented manga, and big eyes are a characteristic of most manga, as well as stuff like colorful hair to make characters more distinct from each other on screen.

| Is bambi a manga character?

| Is your mom single?

| >>1025890 no he's a disney character

| >>1025953 no

| My mom said something similar when she first heard about anime like how they all had big open eyes even though they were japanese. Tbh it caught me off guard and I didn't know how to respond.

| >>1025974
are…you single?

Yeah I tried to show taxi driver to my friend and he got bored and said he was watching but didn’t a few years ago.

| >>1026007 yeah I am, but I'm also ugly. But that's not important right now, I was talking about the critically acclaimed 1995 anime Neon Genesis Evangelion.

| >>1026062 *slip in your dm*

| Is your dad single?

| >>1026062
Heyyyyyy I’d like to watch it with you cutie
It actually didn’t really touch me so much, but eh different strokes…
I want you to breed me. What do I need to do to make that happen?

| >>1026097
50k must die

| >>1026289
That would be a really good erotic action comedy romance

| >>1026345
Sorta Kill Bill esque, but without the foot fetishism

| >>1026531
Yes! and they HAVE to have enemies to lovers passionate sex!

| >>1026289 noooo you can't kill her! i love her!

| what's 50k? I'm relatively new here

| >>1026870
board owner. didn't actually make the board herself, just asks people questions all the time which are hard to read because she's polish, and uses that to make things. will let you have passionate sex though if you answer enough.

| >>1026870 she also live in Osaka, indonesia

| >>1026870 it's the result of being stuck here for too long

| Indonesia? BAHAHAHAHAHAAH don't you Shafi'is know? You can't draw girls with purple hair. Its VERBOTEN.

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1725973723

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