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Stupid question


| What’s the purpose of this board?

| >>949877 to chat with fellow community members? That's my guess. :3

| "testing"? i've seen some people use it to ask general questions about danger/awoo itself.

| themselves* i really gotta start proof reading before posting.

| ^ and I've seen people use for notifying the maids: stuff like a thead being deleted, spam etc

| To hail Obama senpai

| For me to come say stupid soykaf every once-a-moon like a furracking king and then leave
You only smell the dust from my rear end as i blitz across these sandy plains back to other fields of webby blue

| this thread is very /test/ themed! You go g/burg/rl!

| >>950517 no

| >>950630 I've said op is very very good!!!

| this board entirely exists to confuse people who don't know what it is, then gaslight them into thinking it has purpose

| >>950644 i feel op baits and i don't feel test vibes
>>950683 *hugs you* should we tell her 3 g/burg/rls lore or is too early?

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1681081542

This thread is permanently archived