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How to deal with bump limit?

| Create a new thread?
Will references to posts/users work?

| Never tried it..

| >>725809 burg

| no good, angry burg

| >>/test/722986

| You could do that. Reference the old post on the first post. That's what Lain did.


| is it even possible to refer to a post from another thread?

| ok, didn't work this way.

| ok, didn't work this way.

| >>/test/722986#comment-723587

| >>/test/722986-723587

| >>/test/722986/723587

| I think there was a way. Not sure, it's been too long.
I'm sure Lain knows

| I thought you needed >>>

| >>>726294

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1609236564

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