This thread is permanently archived
feature suggestions thread

| i want a share button to share thread links


| I'll put it on the todo list

| Lain you're too kind! You need to stop!

| Lain is best dev.
A feature to tap on someone's ID and highlight all the posts made by the person would be helpful.
Like how you can tap this >>69594 and it highlights the post.


| share button is added in 4.1.9
>>70133 I'll put it on the todo list. The biggest problem with it is that clicking a post number is supposed to scroll you to that post (even though it doesn't), so if I ever fix that then clicking someones ID would make you scroll like furraking crazy, but I don't think it'll be a problem

| >>70604 whoa, we're at that number already? and here i'm still using .1.6

and thanks for considering the feature btw. its useful for me cause i keep finding good threads that i wanted to share with some friend, and ive been doing that with other apps so i thought why not this app. this is my favorite app and thanks Lain for making it even better.

possible bug/gripe report incoming after release. expect them :^)


| >>70133
I have written it here https://github.com/dangero/awoo/commit/eca4a79afaf500247707cbd6ed63a1815ddf01cd
but prefetcher has not pulled it yet

prefetcher forgot to post 4.1.7 and 4.1.8 but he has posted 4.1.9 now. You'll have to go to the patch notes page inside the app to see all the changes

| link got managled by the word filter here it is fixed https://github.com/dangeru/awoo/commit/eca4a79afaf500247707cbd6ed63a1815ddf01cd

| I'm new here could you add a feature that explain why am I in this place, kinda lost :(

| >>71199
well, cmon, it just like a forum with random person, but all of them wearing mask

| Oh OK thanks a very short explaination really helped thanks ^_^

| I find it funny that Lain also got messed with by the word filters


| i forget about them on a daily basis

| it's the only board with them

| just lay these down here
- [bug?] auto watch on reply add the thread before reply was posted, so it register your own reply as a new post for a brief period (until tw is refreshed basically)
- tw should be sorted by the one with most replies since auto watch make tw list very long and harder to find the ones with new reply

| How about a drag to update function?

| Why don't we have an international board? I'm russian so I hoped that danger/burg/ would be a 2ch-free board. But the place is swarming with those savages

| >>73375 give me some russian girls pls, for my waifu material


| >>73375 like /int/?

| also the majority of our users are russians

| >>73425 that mean there are russian girls here, now this is good pref, invite more russian here, you've done a good job, glitterboy


| they've swarmed danger/burg/ before you phoneposting autists

| >>73434
but they never real reveal that they are russian girls, and i can't read elven language, don't you feel sad for that, pref?

| >>73494 ok the "real" is a typo, my mind playing on me again

| >>73378 but this is the feature suggestion thread. i don't think even lain can program russian girls for you. probably.

| >>73860
ateast he could probably program a russian girl sex robot, if he try hard enough for me

| i m a g e s


| >>73898 no.

| >>73898

| >>74104
Bring emoijis back :^)


| >>74656
when we moved to awoo I offered to implement the emoji filter but pref said we didn't need it. Emojis work.

| >>74708 (ーー;)(ーー;)(ーー;)(ーー;)(ーー;)(ーー;)(*_*;(・・;)(・・;)

| (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

| (@_@;)(@_@;)(@_@;)(@_@;)(;^ω^)(;^ω^)(;^ω^)(;^ω^)(;^ω^)

| push notifications for the thread watcher

| >>75050 ye


| emojis don't work due to my piss poor MySQL config though

| >>75159 oh don't be sad, glitterboy

| >>75197 i'm not because emojis are cancer

| >>75293 (・。・;(・。・;(・。・;(・。・;(・。・;(;_;)/~~~(;_;)/~~~(;_;)/~~~(;_;)/~~~

| Woah, Lain done did it. Clicking the ID highlights all the posts from that person. Neat. No more copy&paste and ctrl+f for the IDs. Thanks Lain

| I'd imagine this'd be helpful on /cyb/ too? I dunno, I don't use /cyb/

| Should get auto scroll for long threads... auto refresh!

| >>76001
very helpful on /cyb/ for those users with static IPs. i move about a lot so my ID changes often

| Soft loli breathing soundtrack pl0x

| >>76491 what

| might be counterproductive, but have users have their personas on cyb/life threads?


| literally what

| I NEED more variations of burg!!!

| ^

| Here my persoally just consider this as a from Va-11hall-a, why isn't a specifc panel for this game only so far or sonething lol.

| >>81161
/v/, /lain/, /cyb/

take your pick

| Thoughts on a button that instantly scrolls to the bottom/top of long threads?

| >>82602
my god yes

| >>82602 +1

| pls

| How about timestamps on posts
Dont need to show the year ofc

| Or when you click an id, it highlights all posts made by that id

| ^ that's been implemented already.

| Imo, timestamps add more text and more clutter which I think is bad. I prefer a more minimal style.


| You can pull timestamps from the API.



the timestamp is an epoch (seconds since Jan. 1, 1970, UTC)

| Text spoilers would be neat.

| Text spoiler and Tabs for the phone app to keep threads open while navigating through them allowing multitasking

| +1 for tabs

| How about word search function like ctrl+F on the mobile app

| ^


| >>86119 too cliche, how about a dandere?


| >>85680 Hard
>>85556 You'd have to ask prefetcher, if he says yes then I'll implement it
>>85680 Would probably not be that hard but would clutter up the UI even more. Probably not going to implement it

| You said >>85680 twice

| Not a feature but a problem. Whenever I open the app some sound play, and when I enter some of the main menu options and exit it another sound play, but the real porblem is that it is played even when my cellphone is on mute with volume 0 and "do not disturb" option on. Running app with 4.1.6 version I think


| >>87156
Oops. The one I meant to say was hard was tabs
Upgrade to 4.1.9 and enable the "Mute sounds" option in the settings pane. It isn't there in 4.1.6 yet.

| Don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but it would be great if the user ID had an "OP" tag on it so we could more easily see which replies are from OP

| Another thing that would be nice is some kind of permabutton that goes back to the forum Home

| maybe add some sort of built in news group server like vichan or a RSS feed

| >>88527 sorry, I didn't realize that you can hit the image on the top of the thread to go back to the room home

| >>91256 but how do you get back to the app home?


| >>91324
In 4.1.7 and above, there's a back button in the top right. If you chose to hide it in the settings, it'll still be in the triple dots menu. If you don't see it, update your app


| >>90720
We do have an API, and a partial vichan compatibility layer, but it hasn't been very well tested (or tested at all). We have a dashchan extension if that's what you're looking for

| >>91365 the back arrow takes me to the thread watcher, then disappears


| >>91411
The back arrow in the top right just finishes the current activity, so if you launched it from the thread watcher, then yeah it's going to go back to the thread watcher

| >>91426 sorry, I thought that was instruction on how to get back to the app home

| Why do threads close so faaast? This is a sloooow app. I don't care if it involves digging graves, some people may dig and find and an old thread interesting. Pls make it happen mods

-yes im drunk


| >>93191
Threads close after 24 hours of no replies if they're not stickied, but janitors can close them early

| K-ON banners for /mu/

| >>93432

| It needs ability to add custom user music from specified directory.

| And radio integration in the app.

| Do real news stories in the augmented eye section. And more mirai niki posts.

| If this app actually evolved into a real news app I bet youd make more money than god

| >>96518
Why not just use a music player on your phone? This app doesn't need to do everything

| Please make the furraking page numbers bigger.

| ^


| >>98327
You can just adjust the number in the url, like https://dangeru.us/burg?page=2 will take you to the 3rd page

| Can we have pms like in the game?


| >>93432 pls no

| >>100283 Yes please!

| Onion link for the site?(plus tor network support for the app)

| "watch this thread" button? i accidentally unwatch after posted somthin, tryin to find that thread again after a day or two is quite a time consuming thing to do

| More themes in the future would be awesome! I always like seeing a snazzy looking danger

| We should do more stuff with kira mikis blog too! So much potential, we could make it an idol blog that links to actual idols

| >>102137
Lain has mentioned a few times that we can submit our own, I don't think themes are their priority.

| I made some themes, where do I submit? No discord pleas


| >>103709
Email them to [email protected]

| Radi/burg/ in the app

| Radi/burg/

| The radio of this board*

| Maybe we could have a way to submit articles for the Augmented Eye? The mods could approve writers, and maybe we can draw inspiration from the postings on /cyb/. It might be fun to report on the things we've written together.

| An option to show notifications when someone replies on watched threads. Maybe controls for the player on the status bar and block screen would be nice too, as well as a built-in player for radi/burg/

| Hi! I know this app isn't primarly a music player, as it's a bulletin board but I've noticed that the music app causes my app to become non responsive, making me restart the app. Again, it's nothing major and I love this community so far but a possible fix to the music player sometime in the future would be lovely. Thank you for reading~


| >>105851
What phone and android version? That's never happened to me


| >>105851
if you could send me the system log that would be even better

| >>##Dev:Lain##
How would i go about sending you the system log?

| Android 7.1.1 on a Galaxy Note 8 by the way

| I have the same issu and when this happen all my setings are reset

| 2 suggestions.

1. A search feature to find old threads.

2. An edit or deletion or taking it back or something button for when you post something really stupid but by the time you realize what you've done it's too late to back down and you begin panicking!!!

Either of those would be nice, thank you.

| Another suggestion is that when you enter a watched thread from the thread watcher the app could send you directly to the new posts so you don't have to scroll all the way down in long threads.

| Kira miki blog should be idol news too, like famous jpop singers irl

| Give it more use

| Suggestion :
add sound effect when there is a new notification from thread watcher


| >>106514
we won't add post editing as it would defeat the purpose :p

| I think it would be cool to be able to turn off the ID and Post number for your post if you choose because I prefer what the app used to look like

| Samefagging? /\

| What about an occult board?

| >>109754
disable userscript, the ID and post numbers are an integral part


| forgot

| Different colour sets for the threads, I know there is a inverted colour option, but I wish we could choose from a pre set.


| >>110513
pick a color for everything and email it to me, or even better, just email me a stylesheet that does it.

| More burg variations for the burg board

| Asccii image preview i need to see pixels

| >>112183
>angry burg

| Upload images but have them resized to not break the app.


| >>113190 no

| This ain't a image board people.

| But pref, occult board really would be prelly good... Can't we haz like a trial board?

| We need a button or something to go directly to the bottom of a page.


| >>114225
It's in the works. It's not a button, it's just a setting. Will be on desktop probably tonight or tomorrow, mobile users will have to wait until the weed update.


| It will NOT be enabled by default, you'll have to enable it in options in the app, or via the (invisible) userscript settings button in the bottom left on desktop.

| >>106514
it's not like we know who posted it. also no one can be more stupid than me (ME!) so stop freaking out

| by the way, all of dangeru is searchable on google. if you think this is a secret deep web board, think again

| Ll

| What i can do?

| Make a server failure page, those error logs that show up sometimes give too much information


| they don't.

| besides we're open source, so we don't leak any code or whatever. and the 500 pages are useful for debugging

| IP ban that Hitler idolist or whatever on /cyb/, fuckin annoying boipussy.

| Accept newer utf emoticons
At least when I try from the app some emoticons make my whole post to not be posted

| Newfags always wanting emojis, smh

| Fix the api? Going to https://dangeru.us/api/v2/board/burg gives a nice crash with wrong number of args (!) I really want to get around to writing my client for this.

| also
>no I won't make an account on github to open an issue
>she doesn't have automated tests for the api to see the calls actually resolve correctly

| >>117882 why unicode emojis are no different from normal characters, so much that now you can name methods and variables with them


| >>118108
Fixed, just waiting for pref to pull it

| On the mobile app, could the thread watched page not have a bright white background? Bright white flashes are like kicking dead whales down the beach at night lol...


| >>119477
Ok I'll put it on the todo list for 4.2.1

| For the app
Put the music player on the push notification area to control it without having to go to the app's music screen, at least a pause or a stop button

| >>119545
Cool. I appreciate it!

| >>119580

| I suggest to make a shitty 420 theme for the next app update


| >>121694
You mean for version 4.2.1? We're already on 4.2.0

| Couple of suggestions for the app.
1. when the app is changing screens it will sometimes flash white. This is kind of annoying when I'm using a dark theme late at night.
2. Maybe have an option to open directly to the boards list?

Anyway, great job on the app so far. I'm new to the community but I like what I'm seeing and the app is definitely very well made.

| A home button for the boards menu would be nice imo.

| >>123254
The back arrow in the top right does pretty much that.

| Here's a suggestion: maybe switch out the tumbleweed banner in /new/ now that it's not dead anymore

| I'd be nice for desktop to get a thread watcher, I really miss the feature when on my computer vs when I'm >phoneposting

| >>123361 It may be a minor inconvenience, but I lurk pretty hard and sometimes end up needing to use the arrow and my Android's back feature multiple times before arriving back at the danger/burg/ board screen. Having a home button would be wonderful to get past all that.

| >>123531
Seconding this suggestion. It seems redundant to have the android back button and the in app button do exactly the same thing. I think it would work well if the android back button kept working as is, but the in app button brings you back out to a board catalog, and if pressed from the catalog takes you to the homepage.

| >>123536 Pretty much this. Pref trolled me with the text change but a home button to the board screen would be lovely.

| >>123491
I never really felt the need to have a watcher on desktop since you can have as many tabs open as you want.

| I don’t know if this has been discussed but how about being able to post pictures? Do you think this is a good idea?

| >>124439
Dude it's a textboard

| >>124439 It has been discussed.

| >>124439 never happening and for our own good


| >>124439


| >>123250
I put it on the todo list but there's a bunch of stuff on top of it so it might be a while
Currently the back button in the top right just finishes the activity. If you have multiple activities open it's only going to take one off the top stack, but the only way that could happen is if you launched a board or thread from the menu in the top right. I could make the menu in the top right open it in the current activity, if that would help

| I would very much enjoy a Iphone version of this app that is connected with the website.


| >>126912
Hook https://niles.xyz/united

| few more suggestions.
1. Add some kind of indication in the thread watcher when a thread closes
2. When you select a thread from the watcher is it possible for it to open at the last read post? As it is right now it opens at the top of the thread.

Keep up the good work!

| A button that marks all threads as read (changing all pink new post numbers to the grey total posts number)


| >>128127
If you enable both of the bar-related options in settings then it will jump to the new replies.

| >>128247
Thank you so much for implementing some of the features! It's really cool to see you work on them so quickly and even mention the poster IDs on github. Keep up the great work!

| >>124439
Absolutely not.

| So, is that a no on the mark all threads button?

| friend people

| Make a shitpost flag when 10 people flag you as a shitpost your post changes the color to light brown

| Make one of those spoilers tag. Y'know, whilst right arrow turns things red, add a left arrow for covering words until you hover w/ mouse or click w thumb

| That sounds great. Spoiler tags or boxes or whatever are always helpful

| ^could you imagine the chaos spoiler tags would bring? Hell no!

| Add a filter to replace g/burg/y with g/burg/rl, please the g/burg/y leader edgelord bitch is annoying...

| >>137004 that filter that says burg is lovely

| custom skins


| >>138067
For the 18th time this thread, if you make a skin, email it to me and I'll put it in the app. You can send me a userstyle for danger/burg/ too.

| sorry, i didnt read the wohle thread

| Just keep up the awesome work! :)
Love the new version of the app

| We need a shitpost board, we have a need for shitty memes and what’s the best way to get shitty memes? A shitty board. Vote /s/ 2018

| yessss

| >>141104
Dude... Danger /burg/ is literally a soykaf posting board.

| We need a shittier one>>142594

| That feel when you forget about the work filters

| Word*

| I would like to see some more boards, and skins.

| Yeah some new skins would be cool

| Skins for the danger burg webpage itself

| Danger burg*

| The furrak

| >>143499 >>144287 >>144379 As the admins have said and will say a hundred times, if you want skins then make them yourself and send them in. Scroll up and read the thread.

| can we have a check box near the submit button to opt in/out of watching a thread you make/reply to? the last checkbox value should be saved, and it should replace the "watch thread on reply" setting. just a suggestion tho. your work is already awesome, Lain.

| Here's a suggestion. A new suggestion thread with faq so people don't have to read all 200 some posts. This thread is nearing the max post count anyway

| >>146217


| >>146217

| Can you hide the post number/id by default and make it pop up for one post when you click on the |
Maybe have a setting to toggle this.
I would like this site to look more minimal like in the game.

| I wish the /archive/ was subdivided by board again, instead of just being /all/. :c

| A notification function


| >>148735
you can go to /archive/burg to get just one board

| >>148896
:D THANK YOU BASED LAIN! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

| The toggle userscript button covers the page with no "furrak off cancel go away" button. So if you hit the button after making a long post you're slightly boned

| >>145145
Perhaps also an option to exclude /burg/ from the watcher entirely
Nice round numbers in the post counts don't need a watched thread to satisfy

| >>148135
You can disable user script

| >>148754
Thread watcher dude.


| >>151361
I think he means getting an android notification if someone writes >>148754, which I'm not planning on implementing right now

| >>151361 Android Notifications, dude

| >>151499
Already mentioned in the post right about you, dude

| dude, duuuude

| Bruh

| Ahh sorry about that dude

| >>150691

| dude

| Asuh dude

| Make the burg counter count all burgs to have ever existed


| >>153821
It would be really, really expensive to pull that from archived threads. Right now it only shows burgs in non-archived threads

| Oh

| Could you make it where you can also do ">>"
On ID's, incase you want to single someone out instead of a single post? Or will it only go as far as clicking on their ID?

| I'll put it on the todo list

| Add jump to top and jump to bottom buttons on your website.
Display post numbers, IDs, replies and all that soykaf without javascript.
>counting all burgs in archived threads is hard
woah, current year webdevs

| >>159001
>Add jump to top and jump to bottom buttons on your website.
>Display post numbers, IDs, replies and all that soykaf without javascript.
post numbers and IDs need to be hidden by default in case the user has userscript disabled.
>woah, current year webdevs
I never said it was "hard", I said it was expensive. It's expensive for a reason, archived threads are stored in json files on disk. The entire reason that we started archiving threads is that [...]


| the queries to get the replies to a thread or get the frontpage of a board were taking too long (>200ms) because there were almost 170,000 posts, and it was affecting load times. The solution was to move the posts to external files, so they can be loaded when directly requested.

When you load >>>/burg/130421 , it's reading a file called `130421.json` out of the disk (hdd not ssd because pref uses tiktalik), parsing the whole file, and then rendering it. This is the only way [...]


| that load times will be acceptable on main pages, but still keep old data around. When you load the main page, it executes an sql query to pull the number of burgs and angry burgs from the active posts table. Including archived burgs in that count would involve opening hundreds of json files and reading their contents, then adding them to the existing statistics. The main page load time would take more than 10 seconds while slowing down the whole web server for everyone else too [.


| That's what I mean when I said it's "expensive"


| >>160354
I screwed up that link by using three >s.
Try >>/cyb/133109 instead. I just meant loading any archived thread.

| Go Lain go! GO LAIN GO!


| You can do the math from the main page yourself. I just loaded it, and it reports 1456 threads plus 24852 replies. This is an average of 18.07 posts per OP. With 8438 archived threads, we would have 475605 rows in the posts table right now if we didn't archive threads.

| such math
have to calculate

| Why do you need to do these calculations at the time of the request though? If the archived burg pages are immutable, surely you only need to calculate the figure once, store it as a variable, and then append to it whenever a new burg page is arhived. Then at runtime, just add that number to the current burg count.

I am not a programmer, but I don't see a significant problem beyond the initial enormous calculation. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

| >>160714
It's doable, I just didn't think burgs were that important when I set up the archiving system so the infrastructure isn't there. It could be added.


| here bby, just for you


| And this is why I Love Lain.

| At least make page jump to bottom after posting.

| Start bottom page counter from 0 like the full link does. This inconsistency triggers my autism.

| Mark the current page with square brackets in bottom page counter otherwise. Add next page/previous page arrows. You guys have a long way of achieving even basic vichan functionality desu.

| >>161991
what the furrak do you need a next page button for when we've had infinite scrolling for months now
turn on userscript lunkhead

| >>161996
btw if infinite scrolling is screwed up on some pages, clear your cache.

Total number of posts: 250, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1519585794

This thread is permanently archived