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Just great

| now we have an invisible button over the send button on mobile and on the app. sweet.


| Always a magical feature.


| Yeah, I was about to make a thread about that too.

| And if you Tao close on that window that pops up it eats your message

| *tap

| >>66470 yep


| The button was always there on desktop but I accidentally made it appear on mobile. I'll move it to the bottom left

| Praise Lain! The one that shall doom us all but still save us all in the end

| It is moved, but still invisible. Even through i know it's here, misstapping it and seeing thing appear from the thin air is pretty much weird.

| can i get an option that turns every r and l into w pwease? uwu

| ayy nibba

| just in: if you feel like tapping the text field to move your cursor (makes sense on mobile) you'll hit the invis button yet again.

solution: pressing close shouldn't reload the page since thats the first thing that come to mind. better yet: move to settings page and remove button altogether if on app.

| i mean, if you change any of the setting, it will reload the page anyway you got no chance to even presd the close button

| ux design is so complicated ikr


| >>69374
I can move it to the in-app settings page on mobile I just haven't done it yet.

| ^ pls do that
thx lain
i love burg (no homo)

| ahahahahha damn wordfilters

| i love burg too so i can relate

| i actually hate burg

| ^aww. my condolences


| >>71263
I did it in 4.1.9

Total number of posts: 23, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1513635149

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