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The sizes of the board links have changed

| At the top of a board, the links to the other boards seem to have gotten bigger. This has caused the link to /burg/ to wrap from the second line down to the third, and /test/ has taken its place. I am now trapped in this board, as my muscle memory is preventing me from reaching the new location of the link to /burg/.

| Find a river and start your own settlement here. This is your new home.

| >the links to the other boards seem to have gotten bigger
The old .boarda(?) class used for those links got replaced with .boardcontainer-item for whatever reason, but skimming through the updated .css doesn't really indicate that a whole lot has changed. Or well, it shouldn't, anyway. Only the text alignment's moved over to the center, but the font size is still the same.


| i've pushed out an update that fixed the upper board container improperly expanding.

before the update, the bottom three boards would just go behind the board's banner.

so if you're experiencing issues with the styling rn, it's probably the CSS not updating on your side

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1590847205

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