This thread is permanently archived
Test my strength

| First try on capchan

| 2nd //I will stop if i can't surpass capchan!

| 3rd

| 4

| 5

| OP, have you dieded???

| rip OP

| Captchan prevails

| And the robophobe claims one more soul

| op... no...

| My turn my turn! 1

>the lysol curt

| 2

>class posse text

| 3

>yang mumps hiked

| 4

>toy jinns tunny

| 5

>yens lull bore

| 6

>styx mooed ibm

| 7

>gait daub best

| 8

>alloy hymn glows

| 9

>webs pulls poppy

| 10

>luce mills rinds

| 11

>crank tusk woes

| Captchan... she's... too strong!

I couldn't get it. It looked like lans earth dips, but it didn't work. Wasn't plan, or dipss, dipst, or dipsi. At that point, I just surrendered to Captchan.

>pablo leak curer

| I won't fall for your ruse, after hours of analysis I believe I've cracked the code.

>timed moped belie

| >>587014
Maybe that L in "lans" wasn't an L but a lower-case i that looked like an l because of the line


| 2

| 3

| 4

| 5

| 6

| 7

| 8

| 9

| 10

| 11

| 12

| >>587265
captchan always prevails

| 1
>snap woolf ewes

| 2
>group zooms pear

| 3
>rites walls spews

| 4
>arron gelt worth

| 5
>prate juno store

| 6
>wench putty leigh

| Failed on


Total number of posts: 43, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1565326095

This thread is permanently archived