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Making captcha more bearable

| I'm sure you all already know and the admins are already working on it, but this is just so we can have one neat thread for it.

- Allow refreshing the captcha without refreshing the page

- Automatically save draft so when we have to refresh the page/captcha failed/whatever reason, we won't lost the post (I think this is already a thing?)

- Fix so pressing Enter (instead of clicking Send) won't go to a blank OK/CAPTCHA INCORRECT page.

| maybe the captcha could give us some time of free posting instead of one captcha per comment/post

| >>548890
This sounds the best, but it might be exploitable. Maybe have the time only apply to replies so we don't get thread spam?


| >>548794
Save draft is not implemented

I can take a look at pressing enter doing something other than the button, I forgot to consider that use case

Unfortunately getting a new captcha is not easy. It saves the captcha to your xsrf token, so I would have to resubmit that to the server to get a new captcha, and delete the old one. Would not be an easy change


| >>548794
Save draft is not implemented

I can take a look at pressing enter doing something other than the button, I forgot to consider that use case

Unfortunately getting a new captcha is not easy. It saves the captcha to your xsrf token, so I would have to resubmit that to the server to get a new captcha, and delete the old one. Would not be an easy change

| have you ever tried the shape-captcha that qwant also uses? "click the only unique shape in the image" with a few floating triangles n soykaf around

| >>549118
with a few floating triangles n S-H-I-T around*

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1554752639

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