Official todo list

| United4:
- 4.2.6:
-- offload music to external server or download locally on demand
- later:
-- control+f - probably not going to do
-- supposedly scrolls all the way up when unwatching a thread
-- keyset pagination


| 4.2.6: fix bug in thread watcher by invalidating toolbar onresume
awoo: hide threads on web UI
awoo: web based thread watcher using non-httponly cookie


| Oh well.

Hiding threads in the web UI and the web-based thread watcher are working, just haven't deployed yet. I need pref to clear cloudflare cache when we deploy so I will have to coordiante with him.

I have also removed the music from the app itself, now when you open the music player it streams the song over the internet. The app is now about 16mb instead of 56.


| That is like kicking dead whales down the beach desu. I liked to be able to listen to the music, despite not having any internet.










| Test

| *A gif of Ricardo dancing naked to basshunter's Dota while a tik tok plays in the background*

| >>425053
Please share

| >>b0cbd1 found one https://youtu.be/eeqPnJYWzzA
If you go on /gif/ on 4chan theres always a thread dedicated to ricardo tik tok remixes and they're glorious

| Also https://youtu.be/L6PXy9OiCNA

| Todo: update the latest news banner on the main page

| >>417758
that could probably be solved maybe by adding an option to download and use that folder or stream

| >>518222 alternatively just download the music from Bandcamp yourself, if you don't want to buy it use YouTube-dl

| >>410186 >>410186 >>410186 >>4cc671 >>4cc671

| >>410700 any chance to add an option to not stream the music over data?

| Radiu should download random lo-fi cyberpunk Spotify playlists in the background to a temp folder and then provide a location of where they've been saved if you click on the computer icon in the radiu.

| Also I want that desktop manager and theme for my linux computer, including the random gif files loaded from a folder in 16 bit colors on login.

| lol

| >>2bedbc
Hey gurls! It's me again! What if we had image support, but it's run through a 16 bit filter? Like the gameboy camera. Make it only work in test for a while to test it :D

| >>571501 I like this idea
And playing around with rmagick(image library for ruby) is bpth fun and easy, just be careful with the exploits on imagemagick

| test


| todo: sex

| Todo: turn on all emojis

| >>600150 no, uwu

| Can we add a ASIC image board

| Todo: custom strawpoll posts with maximum amount of votes set at 250

| After threads are archived. Leave reply order on

| ????

| >>c45771 bandcamp downloaders work too


| I love sex.

| I love triple gay sex.

| sex

| I am sex.

| s e x n o t r e a l

| Sex

| >>666860 but we've already done sex!

| Have more sex.

| >>671924 let's get on that. I'll help you g/burg/rl!

| Todo: Win the third world war

| Todo: help me

| Sex

| Todo: have sex with pref

| Go to sleep.

| ŦØÐØ÷ª→« ĸ€»“øæ¶ð

| TODO: Cum all over my dog

| Todo: Ask out Dev Lain

| Todo:


| >>600960

| Make danger/burg/ great again! M.d.G.A. Lain 2020

| danger pizza

| and ban the guy who keeps picking fights on %new%

| >>714609 nah, just wait untill they break a rule.

| Todo: Automatic iot vibrator integration

| I want my vibe to buzz every time a new post or reply is made. Thank you janitors/lain/osaka loli.

| If you do it, no cap, I will send videos of my bullet vibe vibing to each new post (and maybe a little extra just for whoever made it happen). ( ^.^)/

| Rape someone

| And ruin their life by turning them into cum dump.

| I want to be Astolfo's cum dump

| >I want to be Astolfo's cum dump
~~there are plenty of lewd discords where you can meet up with horny femboys if that helps~~

| More sex.

| Make cum

| Add sex


| Deez nuts

| Whoever else wanted an option to hide threads is based

| Todo:

Breed my best friend

| >>770547 yeah, here's a big one: https://discord.gg/G5DzAzsgau



| there are 137 L´s in this page

| can we get 50k board?

| i really need this link https://dangeru.us/50k/

| I think more sound effects on the app would be good.

| >>842489 lol

| >>854780 />>854780
Test >>icles

| Please make a filter than changes the word pomu to ANYTHING else

| >>881622
I agree

| I was cum here

| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

| >>881622 cry more lmao

| Cum on todoo lips

| >>881622
I am Pomu de una famulia noble Pomulia, and I reject it!

| thread watcher is ugly please fix.

| >>079c36
that it is

| >>901079 it not having the same border width and radius drives me insane.

| Add 16 bit image filter is not a bad idea, but it should be use for Augmented Eye news, articles... Not for anons. We should keep the app simple and lite like the game.

If user decide to download all the song to play it locally on their phone. Let them have the option to move most app data to interal storage. ( I have low storage issue )

I am using android OS 4.1.1 so I hope the dev will keep support it in the future. Tbh it is quite boring without this app in my library.


| hi

| todo: cum

| Todo: cum

| Eggs
Dish soap
Toilet paper
Cereal bars

| Eggs
Dish soap
Big thic slut
Toilet paper
Cereal bars

| Lain's mom

| Where's 4.2.6

| Become a cumprinces

| Find good places in town to date a girl

| >>991758 what features would you like to see added?

| *Kira* Miki...

| Cum more

| >>1008647
Fix notifications on newer android versions


| 1

| Sperm

| 釁刻

| >>1015669 +1

| Fix android

| buy bred

| i want ipa support im too stuck in tim apple eco system

Total number of posts: 120, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1737602512
