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Help test the dashchan extension

| The extension is here: https://github.com/dangeru/Dashchan-Extension/releases/download/1.15/DashchanAwoo.apk

You can get dashchan from the play store

Let me know how things work out

| Testing. OP is a faggot

| Can't find dashchan on play store.

What do

| Never mind. Found it on github

| >>25937
> Testing. OP is a faggot
Test quoting

| line break doesn't work?

| pagination and long list doesn't work either?

| Testing


| Line breaks appear to work on danger.us,
But they show up incorrectly via dashchan

| Line break.

| Line break broke.

| cool, so we have post numbers now

| >>25776
>Let me know how things work out
Things seem to work out well

| Any update on the Play Store app? Is it still down?

| Yes. Latest version at https://niles.xyz/launcher-4.1.2.apk

There's also https://niles.xyz/launcher-4.1.2.apk which has the soundtrack stripped out so it's literally just danger/u/

| Can you repost the link, Lain?


| Wait which link?

| The github or Google Play link

| google play is down
github is https://github.com/nilesr/United4

| After installing it, it looks like i can't start following threads anymore. The + button changes in the thread watcher, so all i get is the list of already following threads.
Sorry for the bad english, hope this helps!

| It's probably in the dropdown menu, the three dots to the right of the buttons

| Why doin a dashchan extension if there is this wonderful app?

| use irisu pls

| >>35435 irisu is trash, use the other terminal client :^)

| why use such shitty font on web browser ?

| >>35438 b-but i can pipeline irisu into less too

| when update dashfriend extension

| test

| Test

| Test

| Tits


| >>33823
Yeah it should be in the dropdown menu, or you should be able to go to the thread watcher and click the Unwatch Thread button

| plz dagger2 + kotlin

| ~_~


| >>52263
pls no

Total number of posts: 36, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1512516365

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