????‍♂ 1⃣ ???? ????.

| ????‍♂ 1⃣ ???? ????.

| ???

| ?

| 1️⃣

| https://media.tenor.com/r9Wazs3I8BEAAAAM/duchy-naughty.gif

| ??

| huj

| >>1039463
matom ne rugat`sya!!!

| Its looking goood, just out of beta

| You means this ATB (site)?

| .

| Post number #1039372, ID: fcdbc3
| I am better, but have had two or three returns of kissness

Post number #1039379, ID: 69eeee>>1039404
| :3 kiss returns! Can I have one?

Post number #1039404, ID: 39bfbf>>1039522
| >>1039379 *stabs you*

Post number #1039522, ID: 7ace43>>1039524
| >>1039404 stabs you in the lips using my lips

| Post number #1039524, ID: 67942c>>1039533
| >>1039522 *stabs you in the knee and put you in a wheelchair*

Post number #1039533, ID: 7ace43>>1039546
| >>1039524 kisses you on the mouth for essentially vouching to forever care for me and push my wheelchair wherever we go on our dates

| Post number #1039546, ID: 67942c>>1039552 >>1039554
| >>1039533 our house will only have stairs so we can embrace each other everyday.

Post number #1039552, ID: 9fbe03
| >>1039546 so romantic <3 <3 <3 ????‍????????‍????

Post number #1039554, ID: 7ace43
| >>1039546 woah...

| Catch'ya!!!

| >>1040012 I'm getting cancer is this how new g/burg/rls posting? Or old g/burg/rls got pissed from colors and is doing revenge?

| Post number #1040372, ID: dba22a
| Catch'ya!!!

Post number #1040473, ID: c52dd5
| >>1040012 I'm getting cancer is this how new g/burg/rls posting? Or old g/burg/rls got pissed from colors and is doing revenge?

| GAY SEX??????????

| >>1040510
If only between g/burg/rls (real girls), it maybe accepted.

| What...? What on Planet is Aboba? She could feel the unfamiliar word echo through her mind...a strange pulse...it seemed as if the word carried a strange power...like a command. She struggled against it...

| As if the mental assault wasn't enough, the word just seemed to get more and more nonsensical. Aboba...it didn't even sound like a word anymore but just a noise or a cry. It was painful to hear, like a hammer on skull. Even more so when she realized that the word wasn't just for her, but it seemed directed against her. Someone was trying to tell her something through this word. But what...?

| The word "abobising" was just as confusing as "abobate" and "aboba". It made no sense; it felt more and more like someone was just making up words on the spot to mock her. It frustrated her and only made her struggle harder. She was a Pomu, not some child or inferior bimbo-cock-slut! She would not let unknown words to control her!

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1737383775
