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Attention Tachiyomi users

| You may have noticed that some of your favorite extensions have been missing since the last update. This is because a Korean company, Kakao Entertainment, demanded the removal of these extentions in a confrontational manner.

To get the extentions back do the following:

| Go to More Settings BrowseTap on "Extension repos" and then "Add" button at bottomInputhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/keiyoushi/extensions/repo/index.min.json

Update to the latest version ofTachiyomiGo to Settings > Browse > Extension repos > AddEnter the following URL and accept:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ThePBone/tachiyomi-extensions-revived/repo/index.min.jsonGo to the extension management screen, refresh it, and you can now download the removed extensions.

| After installing an extension, you need to approve it by tapping on the 'Trust' button.

| Thanks for the tutorial g/u/rl. It was weird Kakao even bugged Tachiyomi about it, cause they aren't even hosting the content. Either way, MamgaDex forever!!

| Thanks g/u/rl, even though my extentions weren't effected by it. I only really use MangaFox and MangaPill because a normie when it comes to manga, are there any better ones I should be using?

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1704857920

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