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Light mode + lower brightness is better for battery life

| Dark mode usually has your screen brightness above 80. Light mode allows for 50 or even less.

| blue light filter
keep darker color, eye less hurty

feel cooler than i am for using an extra setting and can still be elitist about dark mode

| >>989282
, on nothing that is, compleate bullsit

| incredible bait, i reposted it in a tech channel on matrix and got a billion replies

| As a person using oled, dark mode, dark mode (of samsung phone) and less than 5% screen light i can say that your math is nonsense

| >>989335 same

| Also if you use black instead of dark grey on an OLED display those pixels are literally off so obviously it's less energy

| what if op is poor and use a lcd display

| >>989487 maybe OP is rich and use CRT

| I use a TFT indeed

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1702369926

This thread is permanently archived