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Windows App for Crash Alerts/Alarms

| Looking for an application that I can use to sound an audible alarm when a specific program suddenly closes/crashes.

Basically, I like to sleep in VRChat but it keeps crashing while I'm sleeping and by the time I notice, it's too late to log back on and go back to sleep and I'd like to have an alarm to wake me up when that happens.

| Hmm, not sure about the alerts program, but might be able to help with the crashing. If it's a public server, there might be users with avatars meant to crash games popping in. You can disallow animations and such from players with a certain trust level in the settings page.

You might also want to pull up a task manager, and if the program ever crashes while you're awake, look at which resources are being hit the hardest. RAM? CPU? That'll help narrow the problem.

| g/u/rl just sleep wtf

| Touch some grass... who needs to be online even while unconscious??

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1695940086

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