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Which Linux distro should I use


| This place is dead

| Anyways OP what are you needs

| in the astronomical chance your experianced in and are asking for fun then go with artix
since you're not that don't go with artix


| Either ubuntu mint or arch depending on your needs. There are no other serious choices.

| PopOS is pretty primo tbh.

| gentoo

| Hannah Montana Linux or Lain one

| Source Mage

| Slackware is pretty great

| Kali if you want do shady things

| obliviously it has to be linux from scratch!

| Kali if you want to catch and/or prevent people from doing shady things

| >>960350 >>960467 shut up please :3

| Mint if you don't want to tinker, EndeavorOS if you are alright with tinkering.
PopOS is a meme built around a desktop icon set. Gentoo if the idea of a makefile gets you excited. Xubuntu if you're going with Ubuntu despite asking us.

| Fedora if you just want a working OS with minimal overhead that isn't 10 years out of date.

| >>960549 should i find you over osint?

| Ubuntu forks if your less confident in your ability, Arch forks if you want to fuck around more. Mint and Manjaro are my picks, but anything is fine. For Mint I use Cinnamon, I usually use KDE on manjaro, I grew up on WinXp and 7 so im more used to those sorts of desktop environments.

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1687648043

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