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A.I art

| How soon are we to putting all of ourselves out of a job?

| It looks ether like soulless big tiddie anime lady in glossy outfit with sausage fingers or meme horror image.

| I'm pretty excited by it. Humanity won't be forced out of a job, but rather the focus of our species should ideally shift to new "big picture" topics.

I've seen some artists use AI art to just start their work and then they go in with their skills and clean up the image and move things around fixing all the errors and putting the AIs work in a proper context.

I can't wait for AI generated work to be able to produce full story video. Everyone would be a full movie studio.

| I think by 2030 most gigs will be AI enhanced or fully run by AI.

| >>934282 Considering the art community has such a problem with tracing, would that not be considered somewhat similar? They wouldn't be developing their own styles. They're fixing it but they never drew it in the first place.

| >How soon are we to putting all of ourselves out of a job?

No, not really. Imo its gonna be a fad and continute like the "guys hes tracing" bullshit.

I think of it more as another tool, especially in the real of animation. AI is too stupid (at least now from what I know) to "draw" in-betweens and keyframes.

Plus, makes anime for compsci shitters like me accessible. I can dream up weird shit and have the ai make it for me.

| >>934287 interpolation au is just as shit though

| *ai

| >>934264 until we won't be able to make artificial human brain or link human brain with bci, ai will never fully replace humans art with fu human Interpretation. I would say 30-100 years.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1671505474

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