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how to automate process of installing third party software on windows?

| i have bunch of computers to configure and i have my set of installers for each version of windows (xp, 7, 10)
the problem is that i HATE clicking through shit
ninite is out of the question as it lacks pirated software that i love to use :3
i'll be fine with at least some automation for 7, xp is the less priority for me
i know about integrating .exes into windows installer but i'd prefer some post install solution instead
maybe a batch file?

| Yeah i guess making a .bat can solve this problem.
Iirc something goes like start /wait (installer file) /s
Different installer packages may have different parameters to get the job done, so I guess you need to do some research?

| For example, for softwares that use installershield, the parameter for silent installation is -s. For softwares that use nullsoftZ's package it's /s
I haven't done much batch scripting for a long time so this may not be correct.

| How to make a batch script that opens up every .exe in a folder?

| >>930877 FOR /F %%A in ('dir /B %1%\*.exe') do %1%\%%A
Call as wom.bat full-path-to-directory

| Here's some docs for you to peruse if you have problems

| >>930885 >>930886 thank you~!

| what about winget

| >>930897 10 only

| Scoop or chocolaty might be up your alley

| >>931014 no

| >>057b95 why not

| Why not replace this outdated MS-DOS stuff with a modern, proper unixoid distribution that comes with a package manager and packagaging policy that fits your needs best? The earlier you get rid of MS-DOS, the less you will regret to ever have laid your hands on this misconcepted software.

| >>931233 *batchfucks your mouth*

| >>931233 once you try free dos as your daily driver os you'll never go back trust

| >>931233 becuse I don't want to download the newest version of software.
I want to have a choice in version I choose.
I don't want to fuck around with dependencies missing
I don't want to redownload everything every single time.

| The funny tech tip man says you should use Smart Deploy.

| >>931294
>becuse I don't want to download the newest version of software.
Then don't use a distro with a bleeding edge but a more conservative update policy.
>I don't want to fuck around with dependencies missing
Then don't use bad maintained repositories and/or use container systems.
>I don't want to redownload everything every single time.
Then use techniques like a package cache or a puppet/template system. I do this even only with my four devices at home (bad internet).

| >>931294
>becuse I don't want to download the newest version of software.
Partially you already have this with MS-DOS, and things will get worse. Staying with monopoly OS will lead you straight into a subscription system sooner or later.
>I don't want to fuck around with dependencies missing
So you prefer being dependent on an OS that gets bloated with thousand versions of the same libs because it never heard about shared libs?

| >>931294
>I don't want to redownload everything every single time.
And why do you think an OS for which only buggy and proprietary 3rd party package managers exist is able to avoid this issue? An OS that still often can only be fixed through reinstallation once it's broken, because of its cryptic error messages and non-standardized, proprietary components and structures...

| >>931319 >>931322 >>931323 copium

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1669590607

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