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Random game - experiment

| Let's play a game..

1. I'm picking number right now between 1-20.. done..

2. Now i will make chain of 20 numbers generated by 20 cent euro coin..
head = 1, tail = 0

3. Chain of numbers is done, but is there a catch. My picked number changed chain little, my number was defining position of change. If i picked on begin for example 1, first number was changed. It means, if was 1, now is 0. If i didn't pick 1 but different number, it was originally 0 and is still now 0

| There is a chain:
01110 10111 00011 11000

your goal is try to find which number was manipulated. Later i will tell which number was changed. Good luck!

| Also you can ask me anything what isn't directly affected with picked number on start. So you can totally fine ask me what is my favourite number, how much fingers i have, if i love cats, how old i'm.. If it won't get too much personal. I will try to reply if i can ^^

I got this idea when i was reading little about randomness, what is brownian movement, how are numbers in computer generated etc.

| >>902059 *respectively which position

| *fucks your mouth*

| >>902135 /do n - my mouth has metalic cyber-teeth, and they cutted of your dick before it's even entered in

"Oh noo, it's seems someone is bleeding here, he need a doctor in hour or he will die" *licking blood dropping on ground*

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1665779896

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