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I hate "smart" tech

| My apartment is forcing us to use smart locks and replacing the keylocks. We have to use a fucking app to open our doors.

Smart tech is fucking scam. You just want to sell that data

| >>900816 Than move if you think so

| >>900816
sounds a double
1. denying access to a leased property.

a solid approach is to refuse to admit you own a phone, force them to provide you with a new phone to use for the smart locks, let you keep keys, refund or lawsuit idk the terms this is under.
but those options might be feasable
if you wanna be a pain in the ass like they are to you, you could try bitching to them that the phone they provide has ran out of battery and they need charge it

| second would possible gdpr issue but again no clue, these are guesses i don't actually know your situtation

| locks practicly require a hardware backup,
if there's anyone reasonable in a position todo so you may convince them to hand over the backup key.
might also be able to annoy them into it with the forementioned things who knows

| also duplicate key, bribery or most reliable solution:
lern lockpicking it's not illigal to unlock your own lock

| >>900842 This is one approach I'm thinking. First gonna check with local housing administration (in japan )

| this is retarded and there are a couple angles you can take to this
- what if a paramedic/other emergency worker needs to gain access
- what if there's a power outage (earthquakes and tsumanis do happen in japan)
- what if *your* phone is out of charge, for any reason
- what if there are hackers (MUCH easier to find a guy who knows how to clone nfc signals than a crooked locksmith)

| you know what landlords handle this use case in my area?
they have a box on the wall next to the apartment. this box has a keypad. you push a few buttons, open the box, get your key, and now the apartment is yours to use
you don't even give back the key after you're gone, they swap the core on the lock (its a 15 minute job) and the apartment is ready for reuse

| where the fuck are you even located for them to think this is a good idea, shibuya? that sounds like some bleeding edge shitposting that'd happen in shibuya

| >>900853 yeah a bit near Shibuya. We got new management and all their rentals have this shit. I suspect they're from China based on my experience working at a Hong Kong company in Tokyo that was obsessed with IoT cause consumer dipshits pay a lot of money to use devices that don't work reliably.

| >>900916 of course they're chinese. a chinese person wouldn't last a second without spying on you in every way possible. you check that apt for bugs and feel justified in running strong magnets over their locks.

| >>900917 It's not that they'd spy on me, rather they might harrass Chinese/Taiwanese residents. I just jumped to that conclusion cause I lived in China and most apartments there have this shit for "safety"

| >>900917 what the fuck are you talking about

| Yeah that sounds pretty fucking stupid. I love how anything with a touch screen is called "smart" now too. I feel like there's a point where change for the purpose of change and nothing else is pointless.

| >>901065 the purpose is usually to separate people from their money and that's about it

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1665240779

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