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How to hack into my school wifi?

| I want to torrent

| just use an already connected pc, run powershell, write "netsh wlan show profile". then get the wifi name and write "netsh wlan show profile "wifi name" key=clear". should work

| >>899102 sadly they're on Ethernet

| Wdym hack it? figure out the password?
Depends on security measures, fake AP might work

| >>899649 wouldn't that only give him a handshake? He still would have to de-hash it

| >>899801
Exactly, and there's not much you can do with a handshake alone. There is no realistic chance to break the 256-bit key and throwing computer power and time to de-hash the password isn't really an optional solution either, but it is a plausible one.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1664721674

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