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W11 not used

| W11 is way less used than W8 and XP even though it's been a month since the public release. Btw I switched to manjaro =)

| >>808099 i honestly plan to update to W11 when i will going to buy new external hdd for backups somewhen in January, my my surface go is already having W11 (i got it back from service) so i could just install it. But wasn't it using it longer than 2 hours, but it was working well for Pentium with 4gb ram

| W11 is just W10 with even more spyware, I'm not sure how they expected even the most tech illiterate dummies to go for it.

| I just learn that the default video player can't play hvec x265 video and suggest you to pay 1$ to get the extension for it...

| >>808099
Yeah no shit, it's only been a month. Wait two years or so if you want to do a comparison

| >>808284 wtf? xd i use KMP, but is this real? xd

| I'll stick to W10 and WS2012R2. At least for now.
IT rule #12: Don't change your config when it works.

| I don't see much reason to change over to W11 - W10 works fine for me.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1638224826

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