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Twitter in as few words as possible


| Like, remember back in the day with the old 120 chars? Like that, but shorter.

| i like sex

| Cancer?

| Many people being upset at other people who are upset at them

Also porn

| another closed network platform that serves as a public toilet for opinions despite it's private owned.

| Tumblr without banned porn

| Attention whores

| left wing speeches?

| Hell hole

| Public asylum

| A place for illness persons

| >>719736
>illness persons
Like others said

Twitter is a pile of shit and mud without fun
The porn is alright though

| >>719798 So, pre-regulation Tumblr?

| Modern Tumblr

| Twitter

| Twit

| >>719798 Twitter is the dumpster fire it is because it not only has the same cancer as tumbler but also has the normies and cellebrities, its like putting the 2 most cancerous people of each side and mixing them in a closed off room.

If only they didnt make so the people in tumbler had to move somewhere else :( it was like opening the gate of hell, imagine if the janitors here nuked /new/ and the people there started invading other boards

| >>720453 the true horror

| >>720529 yep

| Twitter isn't that bad if you follow the right people and don't pay attention to the dumpster fire that is the rest of the site. Other than that its all pre-teens posting K-Pop idols or some shit

| >>720697 Oh, and normies too.

| Bad opinion trash can.
But also a hentai gold mine if you know where to look.

| >>0c0c70 agree

| Any place can be the best of the world if you ignore whatever is bothering you

| twitter is great as long as you only follow the jungkook biases, outside of that it's a bunch of racist pedos posting p*** the fr** memes.

| >>720770 you mean pepe the frog memes?

| Don't know. I know my crush is a twitter user but she's so mysterious.

A haven for the deranged?

| deadly combination of location of all official announcements and everyone's opinion on anything said by anyone

| >>721122 4chan but even more chaotic with the lack of themed porpouse but with more speech restrictions

| Fascism propaganda machine

| >>721273 if twitter is facist propaganda machine to you then I wonder what isnt

| >>721277
That's assuming that radical leftism and fascism are the same thing, which they are if you think about it.

| >>721314 with those lenses into consideration yeah I can see where you are comming from

| >>721277 its both infested with far right goons and uwu leftists o top of teen idiots who think a 30 year old dating a 32 year old is somehow pedophila

| >>721423 cant deny it lol

| >>721273 i'm pretty centric.. and i don't feel that is Twitter "leftist propaganda"

| >>721314 naah.. i'm bad in tagging


| >>721429 well then you are wrong, on twitter you can find propaganda for just about anything

| >>721433 i think that is maybe strong reaction deleting posts of trump for example.. but i don't think that it's propagating leftist.. but i think that is there pretty large political spectrum..and that everyone can find there what is political view of person

| extremists echo chambers

| Social media and tech platforms need reigned in for the damage they've caused

| trash af hobos who stay at home all day

Total number of posts: 44, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1607359421

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